ISVS 11 Paper Submission Guidelines and Publication Ethics for Authors and Reviewers
Paper submission guidelines and publication ethics are applicable to authors intending to submit paper for the 11th International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements. Guidelines for Reviewers is to ensure that due review process is undertaken for the publication.
A. For Authors:
Authors are required to read and follow the paper submission guidelines and publication ethics prior to submission of paper to ISVS 11 portal.
Paper Submission Guidelines:
All papers will undergo peer-reviewing process prior to acceptance and publication.
Authors are required to acknowledge all photos, text, images, illustrations, any data borrowed from secondary sources or work published by others. It is vital that it is acknowledged with appropriate citations style. Papers will be checked for plagiarism by antiplagiarism software by the reviewing committee and publisher.
Authors are required to follow Harvard Referencing style for the paper as mentioned in the template for the conference.
It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the submitted paper is error free and has clarity in terms of structure and format as per the template shared for the conference.
Publication Ethics:
Authors must submit their original work and should not have published or submitted it in any other publications.
Authors are required to fill out Permission Verification Form; seeking permission from concerned parties regarding copyright concerns of images, illustrations wherever applicable.
Permission Verification Form will be sent by email to authors whose papers are shortlisted for publication.
Acknowledgement of any sort of affiliation with an institution /organization, scholarship, or funding agencies who has extended support for the completion of this particular research work / paper must be mentioned (if applicable).
Please include references to papers published in ISVS e journal previous issues, available at
B. Guidelines for Reviewers:
To review papers without any bias or prejudice and review it fairly.
Reviewers are obliged to report any unethical content or misconduct noticed in the submitted papers.
They must ensure that the accepted papers have citation, referencing and acknowledgements which are included by authors appropriately as per ISVS 11 paper template.
Reviewers must maintain confidentiality of their identity from authors and the decorum of paper reviewing process.