11th International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements
30th September, 1st & 2nd October 2022
Navrachana University
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
About ISVS
ISVS, the International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements, is amongst the longest-running seminar series in the field of Vernacular Architecture and Settlement studies. Started in the year 1999 in Depok, Indonesia the seminar has travelled to different parts of the world such as India, Sri Lanka, North Cyprus, Turkey. In the process, ISVS has created a community of scholars, professionals and academic that have contributed to the seminar in various capacities.
ISVS envisages to contribute to the knowledge of vernacular settlements around the world and establish meaningfulness, and relevance of vernacular traditions, and cultural practices in the contemporary world. Those who participate in ISVS seminars contribute to its development.
Selected papers from ISVS are also published in the Scopus indexed journal ISVS e - journal.
The 11th ISVS will be hosted by School of Environmental Design and Architecture (SEDA) and Center for Heritage Research, Navrachana University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India on 30th September, 1st and 2nd October, 2022.
This three-day long seminar will comprise of paper presentations, keynote addresses by eminent scholars, workshops for students along with walking tours in the city of Vadodara and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Champaner. Vadodara is amongst the most culturally significant and historically important city of India. The city represents a cross-section of historical eras in its architecture, visual and performing arts. The three days of the 11th ISVS are organized during the nine day festival of Navratri which is marked by a dance festival locally known as "the Garba" where practically the whole city enthusiastically participates and celebrates the occasion till late at the night.

Theme: Potency of the Vernacular Settlements
Today, we are passing through one of the most demanding times of history. For quite some time, we have been discovering how our planet has been falling sick, in trying to cater to the greediness of the humankind exploiting the natural resources of the earth. Unlike how the vernacular communities treated the Mother Earth with a sense of reverence, the modern communities have continuously been indifferent only to excavate the fortunes that lie underneath without recognizing how we will perish together in the pursuit of this greed. In other words, industrialization that Man invented resulting in modernity in order to seek prosperity for all has delivered great advancements to human civilization, although at an alarming cost.
Key words – Industrialization, climate change, ecology, sustainability, modernity
Without doubt, the idea of the city is an important human construct, and the processes that drive them, despite devoid of traditions, have produced innovations and human cooperation that are beyond imaginations. Needless to say, they should be promoted and sustained. Cities have endowed the richness of these advancements to some and poverty to the majority of populations, although things have been produced en-masse and goods have been available aplenty. When these material productions come to an end because the resources of the earth are finite, the modern communities will not know where to turn to, except the vernacular settlements. Thus, their huge cost to ecology has to be balanced. Indeed, only vernacular settlements seem to be able to provide that cushioning the cities and urban populations desperately need.
Key words – Cities, diversity, resilience, population, technology
Questions are enormous and they need visionary answers. For example, the machine productions over human enterprises have impoverished the world in all senses of the world, while being shielded by the seductive, yet artificial plastic ensemble it has produced. The slow-phased, hand-made crafts of the vernacular are appealing, yet will be unable to provide for the ever-increasing urban populations. Moreover, the recent outbreak of the Corona virus has brought home the fact that urbanity and the cities that we have constructed with huge populations living in crowded cities with ever-rising high rises need to be re-imagined with health and well-being at heart. There, people suffer from a lack of sense of attachment to places, being unable to construct roots and being subject to a loss of sense of home emanating from the politicization of space, culture and human wellbeing. Man is becoming ever more homeless; only living in impoverished houses, and these need to change. In the modern world, chaos and turmoil are being unleashed through human conflicts such as wars, natural disasters, pandemics and the never diminishing industrialized search for progress and well-being leading to more disorder and conflicts.
Key words – Craft, pandemic, equity, disaster, home, conflict
In contrast, vernacular settlements remain an adobe where the humankind had achieved a balanced status of civilization, culture, and above all a humanity that fosters the Mother Earth, respects Nature, and treats the fauna and flora with the sense of reverence and companionship they deserve.
However, there is no suggestion that the vernacular settlements are an alternative to the contemporary cities. Instead, we need to imagine a condition of “hybridity” or perhaps a “collage or a fusion” where the vernacular exists in the urban and within the industrial economic reality of today. Lessons have to be learnt from the vernacular to help imagine this new form of settlement where the wholesome characteristics of the vernacular would enrich the innovations and human cooperation promoted through the urbanity of the cities. In fact, it is here that the vernacular practices are most meaningful and effective today and have the potency to absorb the shocks of the contemporary. They have the capacity to contribute to the mutual co-existence of Man and the animals and the prosperous and sustainable future settlement, Man has been searching, where he will finally make home.
Key words – Hybrid, fusion, urbanity, co-existence, co-operation, sustainable, home, potency, contemporary
In this ISVS seminar, we examine the “potency of the vernacular processes and settlements” to enable the making of such settlements and homes, in humane and culturally rich sustainable settings on the Mother Earth.
The seminar sub-themes will emerge from the contributing papers

Attractions & Tours around the City
Explore Vadodara
About SEDA, Navrachana University
Navrachana University is a premier multi-disciplinary private university located in Vadodara, Gujarat. Established in 2009, we are a young University that understands the aspirations of the youth. Navrachana education society (NES) is a registered Charitable Trust established in 1965. NUV comprises five schools - School of Science (SoS), School of Engineering and Technology (SET), School of Business and Law (SBL), School of Environmental Design and Architecture (SEDA), and School of Liberal Arts and Education (SLE). NUV is an innovative, interdisciplinary University with a strong social conscience thereby providing education and research of global standards.
School of Environmental design and architecture (SEDA)'s dynamic and challenging curriculum is led by the school's highly accomplished faculty and guest lecturers, who are also working professionals and experts in their field of specialization. Students' creativity and critical thinking capabilities are enriched through extensive design investigations and explorations, to not just expand their knowledge, but also to confront the complexities of the modern built environment.

About Centre for Heritage Research
The Centre for Heritage Research (CHR) was established in September 2020, with the intent of providing guidance to local bodies, evolving specialized solutions through research-based processes and engaging with communities wherever pertinent. Vadodara has a long-standing history of being one of the progressive princely states during the period of Gaekwads, along with its patronage of art, architecture, nature, innovation, technology, education, and social reforms. Hence, projects identified and considered under CHR were recognized on basis of their relevance and association with either city, community, socio-cultural values, education, or technological innovation with architectural explorations.

10 May
20 May
15 June
5 July
20 August
25 August
30 August
Call for abstract
The registration for the seminar will open by 1st June 2022
Registration Fees:
Early Bird till September 7th, 2022
For Professionals - INR 9600/-
For Students - INR 5600/-
Normal Registration after September 7th, 2022 till the Seminar date
For professionals - INR 11900/-
For Students - INR 6400/-
Second call for abstract
Last date to submit abstract
Announcement of accepted abstracts
Submission of camera-ready papers
Acceptance of papers
Re-submission of papers
found inadequate
Keynote Speakers
Day 01
30th September, Friday, 2022
Dr. Ranjith Dayaratne
Dr. Ranjith Dayaratrne is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at the University of Bahrain. He has been a Senior Lecturer at the University of Moratuwa (1992-2000), Sri Lanka and a Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Melbourne (2004-2006), Australia. A Commonwealth Scholar (1988-1992) and a Fellow of Commonwealth Understanding (1995), he held the positions of Secretary and Chairman of the Board of Architectural Publications of the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects (SLIA) and edited the ‘Sri Lanka architect Journal’, ‘Built-environment-Sri Lanka’, and Vastu journals (1995-2000). He has published on the Vernacular Sri Lankan settlements, Environmental sustainability, Architectural Identity of Bahrain, and Sri Lankan Diaspora architecture of Melbourne, among others. He authored three articles on Sri Lanka in Oliver, P. (edited) (1997) The Encyclopaedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, published by the Cambridge University Press.
Having been the Chair of the Department of Architecture and Interior Design at the University of Bahrain from 2015 to 2019, Dr. Dayaratne now leads the M.Arch program offered by the University of Bahrain.
In 2015, he founded the International Conference on Urban Environments titled "Cities People Places" annually organised by the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. He is currently the editor of ISVS e-journal and coordinates the activities of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements (ISVS). He also edits ‘Built-environment Sri Lanka’ published by the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects and ‘Cities people & Places’ Journal published by the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Day 03
2nd October, Sunday, 2022
Prof. Habeeb Khan
Ar. Habeeb Khan who is an eminent architect-academician as well as the newly elected president of Council of Architecture India. Habeeb Khan has also been actively involved in various institutions and has contributed substantially to the development of upgrading the role of Council of Architecture and the profession to its much needed attention and relevance in today’s times.
His firm Smita & Habeeb Khan Architects is known for work, which derives inspiration from vernacular and traditional principles. The term “contemporary vernacular” was coined by him in 2009 and it has become the underlying philosophy of all their works. He has won many national and international design awards for his works. The lecture was attended by a record total of 540 students and faculties across various colleges of India.

Day 03
2nd October, Sunday, 2022
Ar. Sandeep Virmani
Mr. Sandeep Virmani is an environmentalist, with training in Architecture. Based in Kutch, over the past 30 years he has working with communities all over India, celebrating their traditional knowledge in water management, food production, animal breed and seed conservation, building with natural materials and wildlife conservation. He has set up two organizations, Hunnarshala Foundation to work on built habitats and Sahjeevan to work on ecosystems and her indigenous communities. He has recently begun writing stories and painting.

Tentative Schedule ISVS11
30th September, Friday
06:00 pm - 06:15 pm Welcome Note by the Seminar Chair Prof. Pratyush Shankar, Dean, SEDA, Provost, NUV
06:15 pm - 07:15 pm Keynote address by Prof. Ranjith Dayaratne, University of Bahrain
07:15 pm - 07:30 pm Address by Smt. Tejal Amin, Chairperson, Navrachana Education Society
1st October, Saturday
11:30 am - 01:00 pm Parallel Sessions based on themes
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm Lunch Break
02:00 pm - 03:30 pm Parallel Sessions based on themes
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm Tea Break
04:00 pm - 05:30 pm Parallel Sessions based on themes
05:30 pm - 06:30 pm Special Session
07:00 pm onwards Evening Session
2nd October, Sunday
10:00 am - 11:00 am Nanubhai Amin Memorial Lecture, Keynote address by Sandeep Virmani, Founder, Hunnarshala Foundation and Sahjeevan
11:00 am - 11:30 am Tea Break
11:30 am - 01:00 pm Parallel Sessions based on themes
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm Lunch Break
02:00 pm - 03:30 pm Parallel Sessions based on themes
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm Tea Break
04:00 pm - 04:30 am Keynote address by Prof. Habeeb Khan, President, Council Of Architecture
04:30 pm - 05:00 pm Concluding session by Seminar Chair and Scientific Committee
05:00 pm onwards Announcement of 12th ISVS

Abstract Submission Guidelines
The abstract must contain 300-500 words.
The abstract should be entered as plain text; it must not contain any HTML elements.
Keywords (at least 3) should be provided to represent the content of the abstract.
Only one abstract by an author or co-author may be submitted.
A maximum of three (3) authors per abstract will be accepted.
Abstracts are to be submitted online using the link below.
Paper Submission Guidelines
Papers are limited to a minimum of 2500 and a maximum of 6000 words (including title, abstract, images, figures, captions, and references).
"Paper must be written in English Language.
Papers must follow the instructions provided in the Paper Template file available in Microsoft Word format.
File should be in Microsoft Word format (.doc) only.
File size is limited to 10 MB.
Papers failing to follow the guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their qualities.
Board Members
Prof. Gunawan Tjahjona (Founder)
UPJ, Indonesia
Prof. Pratyush Shankar (Secretary)
SEDA, Navrachana University, India
Prof. Ranjith Dayaratne
University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Prof. Miki Desai
CEPT Univerisity, India
Prof. Sutrisno Mutriyoso
LSAI, Indonesia
Dr. Sanjeev Singh
School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal
Scientific Committee
Prof. Gunawan Tjahjona (Founder)
UPJ, Indonesia
Prof. Pratyush Shankar (Secretary)
SEDA, Navrachana University, India
Prof. Ranjith Dayaratne
University of Bahrain, Bahrain
Prof. Miki Desai
CEPT Univerisity, India
Prof. Sutrisino Mutriyoso
LSAI, Indonesia
Prof. Gauri Bharat,
AHR, CEPT University, India
Dr Velika Ivkovska
International Balkan University, Architecture, Skopje, North Macedonia
Dr Rohit Jigyasu
UNESCO Chair professor, IIHS, ICCROM, ICOMOS, Rome
Dr. Sanjeev Singh
School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal
Working Committee
Prof. Pratyush Shankar
Dean, SEDA, Navrachana University
Prof. Shalini Amin
Program Chair, SEDA, Navrachana University
Prof. Pragya Shankar
Program Chair, SEDA, Navrachana University
Prof. Advaita Jalan
Associate Professor, SEDA, Navrachana University
Krunali Rathod
Assistant Professor, SEDA, Navrachana University
Manali Bhadra
Assistant Professor, SEDA, Navrachana University
Sanjana Ambekar
Assistant Professor, SEDA, Navrachana University
Priyanka Kanhare
Assistant Professor, SEDA, Navrachana University
Anjal Patel
Assistant Professor, SEDA, Navrachana University
Sagar Parmar
Senior Lecturer, SEDA, Navrachana University
Hinal Palan
Academic Associate, SEDA, Navrachana University
Pavani Joshi
Academic Associate, SEDA, Navrachana University
Jalaj Lahothy
Academic Associate, SEDA, Navrachana University

Conference Proceedings
The proceedings of ISVS 11 will be published by 'Taylor and Francis'. Once published, these copies can be purchased on request.